Whenever an American will go, they will need certian foods to reassure them that they are still in civilatizion, in the world of the living and in a perfect world. Because they just want to rest and not have to think about their responsibilities or their piece of the world to bear. If anything is going to come out of a vacation, let it be fun, good food and more riches and wealth!

Imported alchohol and an asian sauce, instead if ketchup! A stewed protein in the pie, and a vegetable. Topped with large fries coated in whatever you want them to taste like and whatever is available to you so long it is spicey.

Delivered at your doorstep or collected by a foodtruck or fastfood store from downtown or outskirts. This is the ultimate mouth-waterer, and mouth-burner. Your tastebuds will never be the same after eating these barbecue sauce coated deepfried chicken wings. I always have these in bulk for they always come in handy as a snack and their docorative appearance when serving them with food on the table. A snack suited for American fun-loving tendencies.