Black jack is one of the forgotten indegenous African super-foods which has been used for sustenance and traditional medicine to treat many ailments. The black jack plant, commonly grows as a weed in eastern African regions. Its scientific name is bidens pilosa, and also known as spanish needles, blackjack, kishona nguo(Kenya), muxiji gewone knapseherel (Malawi), and mutsine (Zimbabwe). The blackjack plant is helpful in maintaining oral hygiene and curing diseases that associated with the mouth and teeth.

Blackjack is rich in nutrients like Beta-carotene, vitamin E, ascorbic acid, calcium, iron, protein. Also contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antigastrointestinal bacterial coumarins, flavonols and stilbenoids (flavonoids), phytosterols, polyacetylenes, and triterpenes, as well as saponins. Due to the plant’s antiseptic properties, plant extract may also be used as a natural mouthwash to combat odor causing germs along with sore bleeding gums and mouth.
How to Use:
The sap from crushed fresh leaves of the plant can be mixed with water used as a gargle for mouth blisters, bleeding, sore throat, bad breathe, and toothache. Another way to enjoy the oral health benefits of this great plant is to drink herbal tea made from fresh or dried leaves or flowers. Recipe for Blackjack Tea
-1 handful of mature blackjack leaves
-5 cups water
-sugar (optional)
• Wash leaves thoroughly, trim and discard any damaged parts.
• Chop leaves into small pieces.
• Boil water in a saucepan, add the prepared leaves, and simmer until a brown color is obtained.
• Strain the tea and pour into a thermos flask or teapot.
This blackjack preparation is also used for alleviating other health conditions including sexually transmitted diseases, malaria, and urinary tract infections.