The World encounters a disaster, a series of events follow that lead change of culture and ushers society into a new era. Every 100 years a disaster happens, the last one was the 1918 Influenza Pandemic which killed more people & scared regimes, leading to peace and the ushering of a new era.
This is the generation of millennials who are enduring the end of a period, an era, a culture through revolution and evolution — change. Spider-Man is for the first time, from all walks of life- fighting to protect an obedient city. Like a soldier, he risks his life by allowing an antibody into his system. How did you think the bio-wars are fought?
They’re the last resort, people are drafted and they volunteer, they decide to protect the people by becoming a barrier. They are destined to become the generation that ends with the disease of the century. They choose to carry the disease. The soldiers to the bio wars & bio disasters deserve respect from the someone who does not understand the leader’s destiny. Someone who believes in sacrifice and Jesus Christ.