His Imperial Highness Prince Estifanos Matewos (Ahmaric: እስታፋኖስ ማተዎስ; born 1995) is an Ethiopian royal and a member of the Ethiopian Imperial Family. Born in Chewa, Ethiopia, he is a descendant of the Menelik II dynasty, tracing his lineage back to historical figures such as King Solomon and Queen Sheba.
HIH carries with him a rich heritage and a deep rooted sense of responsibility towards Ethiopia and Africa as a whole. From an early age, he displayed remarkable intellect, charisma, and an unwavering commitment to his people have firmly established him as a visionary leader and a beacon of hope.
Having acquired royal training from prestigious leaders across the globe, Prince Estifanos also honed his business acumen and ventured in the world of global economics and finance. With his professional background in financial economics, he founded the African Royal Group of Companies, a multimillion dollar business conglomarate built on import, export and manufacturing. The company has over the years expanded into energy, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, infrastructure and finance.
In addition to his entrepreneurial ventures, Prince Estifanos is currently serving as the President of the United Africa Royal Assembly. Through this esteemed position, he is advocating for the unity and advancement of African nations, working closely with Heads of States and Government, as well as global influential figures to promote peace, stability, and cooperation across the continent. His diplomatic and philanthropic interventions for the African cause have earned him the admiration and respect of leaders on the continent and beyond, becoming a trusted strategic adviser and expert on peacekeeping missions, as well as a champion for economic and investment advancement in Africa.
Prince Estifanos remains deeply connected to his Ethiopian heritage and actively promotes African culture and traditions on the global stage. His strong belief in the potential of Africa and his dedication to the well-being of its people make him a revered and beloved figure, both within his own country and abroad.