The ultimate WhatsApp group rules description to manage 500+ members
While WhatsApp groups have become the easiest to gather and reach audience or customers, managing groups with over 100 people is a challenge. With all sorts of characters who are eager to push own agendas, most group admins soon find it difficult to maintain order in the groups which soon become overwhelmed with posts and hijacked from their main purpose. However like with all relationships in our daily interactions, setting rules and boundaries followed by strictly enforcing them can save you half the headache. To grow and operate a successful WhatsApp group of any size, I realized that creating rules and terms of use , and posting them as often as new members join the group prevented disorder or bad behavior before it happened. Below is a template I use to manage my Whatsapp groups of up to 1000 members.
Welcome to XYZ by ABC Agency
Only discussions, news, development programs & events by Africans, for all citizens of the 6 regions of the African Union; about the Union, Pan-African organizations & related subjects.
Terms of Use
-This group is closed. Link to this group is not shared widely. New members will be added by condition that they’re recommended by another member only
-No unwarranted messaging/calls to members of this group who you do not know personally.
Please help us keep this platform safe & fraud-free by notifying admin of anyone who contacts you soliciting romance or business. We’re doing our part to protect all contacts in this group from malicious attacks
-Contact any 3 of the admins for any inquiries she will assist , this is a FREE service
-Links to other WhatsApp groups & programs are allowed BUT should be first sent to admin before being posted in group
-No commercial/retail posts
-No promotion of political parties
-Do not accuse specific public officials for crimes that haven’t been reported to authorities/tried in your country
To learn more please email