Try Stoicism!

1 min readJun 24, 2022

To accept and love life sincerely like Henry Manampiring

Convincing yourself to think positively every day is certainly difficult, especially if in the middle of the day we suddenly experience misfortune that destroys the mood for a full day. The biggest task in overcoming Life’s challenges is to not aim to control what others might think of you, but to focus on your own behaviour, to grow and eventually love yourself. That will free you of the fear of judgment of others.

A book by an Indonesian author Henry Manampiring, “Filosofi Teras”, which translates to terrace philosophy is an introduction to stoicism and a review of the ancient method of preventing mental health related illnesses. Introduction of the book talks about Roman and Marcus Aurelius from Gladiator movie.

Through the book, Henry Manampiring explains how stoicism can make our lives happier not by positive thinking, but by the opposite. Stoicism is a practice where one mediates on all the bad that might occur in their lives, considering the best and the worst. Thereby, planning and being prepared to deal with possible eventualities.

Henry uses his personal experience against depression that had been clinically diagnosed by a psychiatrist. Since being introduced and putting to practice the philosophy of stocism, Henry’s condition improved and drug therapy was stopped.




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